We operate an appointment system and ask for your co-operation by attending at your given time.
Same day appointments are available to patients who feel they need to be seen as a matter of urgency. If appropriate, reception may offer you a same day appointment with the ‘On The Day Service’, this would either be a face to face appointment or a telephone appointment with a Clinician. Reception may also offer you a direct face to face appointment with the ‘First Contact Physio Team’ for problems which are musculoskeletal in nature.
For emergency problems or illnesses which are inappropriate for any other service such as the ‘On The Day Service’ or ‘First Contact Physio’ these will be triaged by a GP at the practice and a telephone consultation would be offered. Only when the GP has triaged the problem would a face-to-face emergency appointment be offered at College Street Medical Practice with the on-call Duty Doctor for that day and therefore no preference can be given to which Dr you are seen by.
Routine appointments to see a Doctor become available every morning at 8am for the following working day or up to one week in advance, although these appointments are limited.
Practice Nurse and Health Care Assistant appointments can be made routinely up to four weeks in advance.
Every effort will be made for you to be seen at the time stated, but sometimes, emergencies do arise. If you are unable to attend your appointment, please inform Reception as soon as possible so this appointment can be offered to other patients.
Doctors appointments are offered for a duration of 10 minutes, but if you need to discuss more than one medical condition it would be helpful if you book a double appointment in order to allow the Doctor sufficient time to address your concerns.
GP practices within the Erewash CCG are working together to offer patients better access to appointments in the Long Eaton and Ilkeston area through the Erewash Extended Hours Hubs.
The main purpose of this is to offer appointments at a time which may be more convenient for you. These appointments are limited and are available in the evenings Monday – Friday 6.30pm – 8.00pm and Saturday and Sunday mornings.
This service may also be available on Bank Holidays. If you wish to book an appointments please contact the Practice in person or by telephoning 0115 9734502, where the reception team will be able to help.
We also work with Erewash Health to be able to provide extra services for all of our patients. These services include;
- On The Day Service
- First Contact Physio
- Evening and weekend Hub appointments
- Phlebotomy (blood test) appointments
- Social Prescribers Service
Emergency appointments
These appointments are available to those patients who feel they need to see a Dr as a matter of urgency. These appointments are booked with the Dr on duty that day and therefore no preference can be given to the Dr being seen, surgery location or time of appointment.
Practice nurse appointments
Appointments with practice nurses and healthcare assistants are available for a wide range of conditions and these can be booked up to 4 weeks in advance. Some are also available on the day. Please tell the receptionist what service you require when you book your appointment as this will allow us to allocate the correct amount of time.
Home visits
Home Visits are for patients, who, because of illness/infirmity cannot get to the surgery. Please give the receptionist an indication of the problem as this will help the doctor to assess the urgency of the visit. A visit will be made at the doctor’s discretion. If you require a home visit please call the surgery on 0115 9734502 before 11.00 am. Visits are made between 11.30 am and 4.00 pm.
Out of Hours Services
If you need medical attention when the surgery is closed please call the surgery on 0115 9734502 and a recorded message will give you instructions. Or you could ring directly through to the Out of Hours service on 111. After giving your details, you will be contacted by a doctor who will either offer advice over the telephone, invite you to attend a GP out-of-hours centre or arrange a home visit.
Minor injuries units
These are for urgent but not emergency care such as:
- Bites and stings
- Minor cuts, wounds and breaks
- Muscle and joint injuries
- Suturing (stitches)
- Minor eye injuries – problems such as foreign bodies and conjunctivitis
The nearest units are:
- Ilkeston Community Hospital
- Heanor Road
- Ilkeston
- Derbyshire
- DE7 8LN
- Telephone: 0115 9305522
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