The deadline is looming
As of 23rd June 2021 your NHS data, confidential information that forms part of your GP medical records, could be shared, but the deadline for Health and care organisations to comply with the national data opt-out policy has been extended to 30th September 2021, due to the Coronavirus (Covid19) outbreak.
Currently your medical records are only shared to organisations to which you agree too, these may be such services as community nursing, school health, podiatry, physiotherapy, etc. There has been a lot of media coverage, which suggests that the Government plans to sell off part or all of your medical records to help with research and planning.
As a Practice we cannot opt out all our patients from this service as it is an individual’s choice if they wish to share their data, therefore if you do not wish your data to be shared outside of the organsiation opt out using the following link:
More information is available from the following website; National data opt-out – NHS Digital
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